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Thomas Elvain Jenkins Family
Thomas Elvain Jenkins was born on September 13, 194x in Endicott, New York. His family is shown below: Robert and Ollie Jenkins, Sheila Jenkins, Nancy Smith.
Bob Jenkins_edited
Ollie Bob in 1940
Nancy and TOm and Sheila_edited_edited
mom and sheila at garfield ave
He married Carol Lynne Shelly on July 20 1969, and has two sons, Thomas Jenkins Jr, and Paul F Jenkins.
He has three grandchildren who were born after she passed away: Judah Paul Jenkins, Rebekah Mae Jenkins, Noelle Hazel Jenkins
The blogs at this time are memories that I had during my childhood. Hopefully additional stories will be added.
The vast majority of photos at this time are from my personal archives, and as such do not contain many pictures prior to digital photography. Alas, many pictures may still be sitting in old photo albums amidst the dust of decay.
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